




It signifies a profound level of thinking where one’s mind is intensely engaged in analyzing, pondering and seeking solutions to various matters while also indulging in a state of reverie—a dreamy or contemplative state of mind where imaginative thoughts and daydreams are often explored.

'a dreamy or contemplative state of mind '

Powerful black woman

The image of the black woman today has been tainted; a misconception in education that does not reflect the true essence of who she really is. Powerful black woman, mother of all humanity. Her existence fueled by love, misused, abused and taken for granted. Let us restore the value of her, powerful black woman, to help us get closer to achieve the third objective of the Millennium Development Goals.

'We are all seeds of the Black Matter, You, African woman The creator of me, Oneness are we.'

In Kikongo, Kinenga is often translated as “the state of being in balance” or “the state of harmony”.

We believe that harmony is the balance that soothes the soul and brings unity to the world.

Kinenga’s mission is to bring people together, encouraging critical thinking and empathy. Our aim is straightforward: to counter polarization and radicalization in society. Through our blog, Brownstudy, we share Afrocentric news, honoring the African diaspora and the Black community’s journey. From meaningful stories to impactful narratives, we keep you in the loop of our latest Brownstudy. Rooted in Europe, we combine a Western perspective with our African heritage, developing a deep understanding. Join us on a journey to a harmonious future, where hearts unite, and compassion takes root.

let's build together

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